What’s in a Session

A Jin Shin Jyutsu session generally lasts an hour and does not involve massage or use of substances. It is a gentle, yet powerful art, practiced by placing fingertips (over clothing) onto "safety energy locks" in specific combination.

The session begins with listening to the pulse, which reveals to the practitioner information about the flow of energy and state of being of the client. It indicates where he or she needs help. Unlike western medicine, the emphasis is not on diagnosing, but on harmonizing. All disease begins with blockages of energy.

The remaining treatment consists of gently holding "safety energy locks" in various combinations until complete harmony of energy and pulsation is established. There is no pain or physical manipulation. The practitioner uses his/her hands as "jumper cables" of energy in order to recharge the "battery of life", enabling universal energy to flow through the body.
