About Us

Majella Delaney

Majella Delaney

Majella Delaney has been studying Jin Shin Jyutsu since 2001 and has taken classes both in Europe and America. She qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1987 and worked in many hospitals in England and Ireland. Even as a young physiotherapist she was interested in Eastern medicine and once introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu she immediately knew that this Art was what her hands were created for. She finds her experience in traditional western medicine have added an invaluable dimension to her practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Majella lives in Ireland and commenced her private Jin Shin Jyutsu practice in 2004. She also has obtained her "Living the Art" certificate which enables her to teach Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help classes.

If you require any further information about Jin Shin Jyutsu or would like to enquire about receiving a session or attending Self Help classes please feel free to contact her by phone at 00 353 87 27 97 892 or email: majella@jinshinjyutsuireland.com